She is your wave.
You come like a visitor from the sun
The sky is clear now and you start to see
The picture, the curtain the god that's in me.
You come to undo all that is done
The silence speaks clearly to follow the one
The feeling of bliss, devotion and free.
You my friend, your ego is loud
The fear in you ripples my world
The light in you is far too proud.
You toss and turn, spin and twirl
The life you live no lessons learnt
The love you had is all but burnt
But now your view has gone within
A visitor to the One
Blends with the desert sky so clear
You chant in Sanskrit to your Sun
All spheres, dimensions, places and spaces
All shapes and forms, letters and faces
Piercing through all colours and light
Piercing through the dark, the night
All concepts empty, void and full
To be filled and emptied for the pull
The pull towards a peaceful state
One that I can truly perceive
The illusion that the world's at stake
The true God that is taken by thieves
You close your eyes and reconcile
You close your eyes and feel
The pain on which you now may smile
The forgiveness that is real
Love thyself dear child
And know all love is felt
By you and yes by all that's done
These cards with which you're dealt
A tool, a game a story
To bring you back to God
It's so easy to hear a single word
And remember that you forgot
Yes I will chant with you
To every corner of your being
For I am God and I am seeing
What it is that you are freeing
We'll chant a song for all to hear
And come to visit me
Travels faster than the sun:
Om mani padme hum