There’s a mask on the world
That no one can see
Except for a few
Yes, that’s you and me
It comes from the jungle
A forest so deep
That looking at it
Sends people to sleep
And when they awaken
On the ancestral plane
They uncover the mask
And are never the same
Behind the mask on Earth
Which is covered in space
Is the majestic soul
Of a Puma face
Oh, how she rises
Throughout all time
The soul of the world
On a moon silver line
She’s bold and she’s soft
A Goddess she is
The earth at heart
Where Puma face lives
Because Pumas are graceful
Mysterious and wise
That’s the story of Earth
That is no surprise
Behind every mask
Is a Puma that’s strong
It’s the spirit of Earth
To whom we belong
And who would have thought
That this gentle soul
Would tell us the story
Of young, aged and old
Unlocking the dreams
Awakened in Earth
That beat with the rhythm
Of each Pumas’ birth
She’s vibrant , alive
And very alert
The Earth is a Puma
In a starlight desert
Her paws leave a print
On each heartbeat you hear
Until the last day
When we all disappear
She’s a Puma face
She’s everything true
The Spirit of Earth
Which you know to be you